Just a few weeks ago, I published a piece about usability testing with emojis. I stated the possible expanded applications that we have not explored.
Amazingly enough there was an article published in TNW news:
Frankly all this does is replace the alphabet system with a different alphabet system, but the novelty is pretty nifty. (Might not be as cool if they tried to have a Chinese/ Japanese coding language. Ok maybe it might but the level of complexity is insane)
The main attraction with emojicode is really how emojis are better able to help express our inner feelings in less words and possibly more accurately.
A single 😊 would denote happiness, smile, grin. But so would 😁. However for most people this would be a superlative of denoting happier.
I’m definitely very excited with emojis diffusing into our lives. There are concerns as to how workstations keyboards will adapt. For now emojis live in the mobile realm. The explosion of mobile definitely helped emojis market growth as well. However for legacy workstations to catch up, the traditional keyboard needs to be improved or upgraded.
The only way to workaround it for now is to have the really inelegant method of using :{emoticon}: designation.
A cooler method maybe to use something like Razer’s DeathStalker:
The keys would be able to change based on menu screen, similar to how it’s been implemented in mobile.
A whole new keyboard product line could be released just to cater to emoticons (similar to wacom pads for drawing input)
Any thoughts? What other applications can we use emojis for?