Apple’s iPhone prices (what’s next?)
At the time of writing the latest and shiniest device out of Apple is the Xs Max, Xs and XR. As reviewers pointed out , there is absolutely nothing spectacular with the phones and not worth the upgrade. The following truly sums it up nicely:
And the reviews from influencers on youtube really tore them a new one:
That being said, would Apple still retain their trillion dollar valuation? Likely and it would likely continue to grow. And would it be worthwhile to actually spend a month’s salary on the new iPhone? (Perhaps even 2 months? It is starting to sound like a engagement ring commercial out of De Beers. Perhaps the next engagement item might be the latest iPhone that loses value immediately the day it is announced) That is up to the individual. Tim Cook nicely sums up while you should continue supporting the company and the products:
So for $1 a day, you get an awesome new(old) phone. With some new features and mostly old features: the ecosystem, the speed increase, the same camera🤔 etc. What appeals to me personally is the speed and ease of use within the Apple ecosystem. Time saved is worth the amount spent. I’ll lay out a few examples:
1. If the upgrade shaves off 1 seconds every time I open an app (assume something productive like Inbox), over the course of the day I would like save 20s. Over the course of a month I would save 600s = 10 minutes. Over the course of a year, I would save around 60 hours. If the phone costs USD1500, my per hour rate from the savings would be USD25 per hour. I think that’s rather decent wages
2. Time saved setting up for meetings from technical issues
I swear just finding the darn wires (VGA, HDMI, displayport etc) wastes on average 10 minutes of my 60 minute meetings. And within a week I minimally have 10 meetings. So that’s 100 minutes gone. Most of the offices I have worked in have the foresight to install Apple TV and allows me to just airplay and present off my phone and edit off my phone. So just bean counting with time saved I do think the device is worth the upgrade.
But the focus of this year should not be the phone (although it is the main revenue driver). Watch will likely takeover as the next main revenue driver in time to come. The following video has an interesting hypothesis which I think is becoming a reality:
Once Apple watch takesover as the main revenue driver, we will likely see demand and prices decline, similar to the Macbooks. Xs and XR are likely an experiment to see if they can diverge the product line like they did for the Macbook and Macbook Pro.
Looking forward to the next wave of Apple products. They may not be fully innovative, but they do create a huge impact on tech and other industries.