Agricultural warfare

High Castle
Published in
2 min readOct 8, 2018


From the best minds inside DARPA, a group of scientists have unknowingly devised the next doomsday scenario. Horizontal Environmental Genetic Alteration Agents or insect allies for short. Insects are genetically modified by CRISPR to carry viruses that can infect crops and help to modify the plants resilience to pests, weeds and weather conditions. With the increasing pressure from the trade wars, the CIA is exploring the option to release modified insects into the wild in China to sabotage the food security and cripple their food supply chain. They are weighing the possible impact and spread it may have across the world and how quickly it can be reversed and inoculated against.

CIA green lights the project and the infected bugs are released into the wild by spies traveling into China under the guise as businessmen, students and tourists. They conceal the eggs of the insects into clothing and discard them upon arrival into China to avoid detection at customs. The clothes are also specially woven from plant based food that accelerate growth of the larvae into full fledged bugs. They seek out the farmlands and slowly inject their genetic poison into the crops. Slowly but surely the crops wither away. The chinese government is alarmed. They are unable to find any chatter in the matter. The agricultural scientists work around the clock to figure out what is wrong. As the supplies and reserve supplies dwindle close to nil, the Chinese scientists finally have their answer. They could see the foul play from the Americans and launch a counter offensive using the same vector and deploy them onto American soil through the same methods. At the same time, Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China pushes ahead clandestinely with space ambitions to ensure survival while the devastating effects of crop apoptosis plays out. They narrow the launch windows to ensure they secure the next wave of food security from space.

Trump signs into effect Space force with knowledge of the CIA that China is advancing their space ambitions.



High Castle

If you are enjoy a laugh at the expense of our corporate overlords, I hope my sense of humour is the cause